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Slumber Party, ideas and suggestions to organize a slumber party. 06/08/2010

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Slumbers parties are moments where friends get closer and on which they can have great fun.

It is also a great idea to throw a birthday party! It doesn’t matter if you are the mother of a little girl reading this article, or maybe a mother of a teenage girl and why not, even for you that you are no longer a little girl or teenager, it is a moment to be only “among friends”.

First of all, you have to take into consideration the place’s distribution and the amount of space you need according with the number of guests that will be participating; choose an arrival time so you can have everything ready.

Ask your friends to bring sleeping bags, blankets and cushions, the more of these last one, the merrier! You can organize provisional beds with inflatable mattresses, sofas, rugs, etc.

Of course, they can’t forget their pajamas and slippers!

Normally in a slumber party girls chat without stopping because the idea of sleeping all together makes them want to share experiences, confessions and anecdotes, although it doesn’t hurt to have some board games like Monopoly or a deck of cards. Horror movies are a great option to be all cuddled up in a big bed because this is “basic” in these type of reunions. Also, you can ask your friends that each one tells a horror story in front of everyone and, oh, you can’t forget the popcorn!

As you chat, you can paint your nails, try new hairdos, beauty face masks, makeup or all those things girls love to do with a selection of music at the back.

Make pajamas fashion shows, take pictures. Another good idea is for each one to bring a photo album or recent photos, you’ll have a great time looking at all those photos together.

It is not said that in a slumber party there mustn’t be a decoration, in Tempo di Festa we are certain there must! You can create a fun ambience with balloons and some customized items which will enhance your party, like these cute cushions you can give away to your friends after the party (a pillow-fight, why not?)

For everything to be more practical, it’s a good idea to have disposable plates and cups, and even better if they combine with the party, and they will also be a decorative element.

Don’t stress with the dinner, try to have lots of things to snack, try to avoid sauces and liquid things to avoid spillages (except for drinks), another option that everybody lobes, pizza and sandwiches.

And for little children? These parties are incredibly fun for them because it is an adventure to sleep far from home and with their friends, take these other tips into consideration.

Slumber party for girls.

•We must have a truly clear idea of what we want to do for that night out away from home to be unforgettable. We adapt a room for the girls to be comfortable; if you use the hostess bedroom, vacate the place a little for the girls to have enough space to sleep. If you use another room, the girls sleep in their sleeping bags.

•Give them movies to watch during the night. Some comedy movies and cartoon would be adequate.

•Make something really tasty like small pizzas, popcorn and cupcakes. Also, you should prepare something to drink so they don’t get thirsty. If it’s Summer and is very hot, you can give them ice-cream with cupcakes, they’ll love this idea.

•Give them the following: lanterns, makeup, photographic camera and a trunk with old clothes. With all these, they will let their imagination fly in an incredible way.

Slumber party for boys.

•Prepare a bedroom for them. Remember they must feel very comfortable for the slumber party to be a success.

•Get some movies so they have something to be entertained with.

•Prepare some sandwiches or pizza for when they get hungry. Remember boys have more appetite than girls. Have something to drink or sodas available for them to take them freely.

•Leave some lanterns, masks and toys in the room so they can play with them. Some plastic swords or superhero caps would be perfect.

Other idea than can work in both cases is to set up a tent and let them camp, if you have a garden this would be super fun. They can even organize horror story telling sessions in the dark, children will love this.

I can only wish you lots of fun and if you wish, we can help you organize a Slumber Party!

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