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Preparing fruit trays for a summer party 2021/07/30


During summer vacations, fresh fruit is a classic that everybody likes.

Today we propose how to cut it to present it in an original and practical manner so the guests can enjoy it comfortably. I chose the fruit according to my personal taste and for the color variety, but you can change it to your taste. The amount varies according to the number of guests, for 20 guests a used:

  • 1 pineapple
  • 1 cantaloupe
  • 5 peaches
  • 8 figs
  • 8 kiwis
  • 1 watermelonsticks

You will also need wooden popsicle sticks
L’ananas è stato privato delle estremità, ma non buttare le foglie e togli la buccia.
Taglia a fette, poi elimina la parte interna che è molto dura. Taglia a pezzi tutte le fette e mettile da parte.
Taglia il melone, elimina i semi interni e la buccia.
Infine taglia a metà le fette.
Seziona le pesche come mostrato in foto o se ti è più comodo, taglia a spicchi.
I fichi vanno sbucciati e tagliati a spicchi. Attenzione che non siano troppo maturi: risultano dolcissimi ma ‘molli’ all’interno e lo spicchio non sarà bello da vedere.
Tagliare le estremità del kiwi, sbucciarlo e tagliarlo in 4 pezzettoni.
Cut the watermelon as in the photo: first the tips, then put the watermelon in a ‘vertical position’ and cut it in the middle.
Now you must follow these 4 simple steps:
1. Mark the zest in an orderly manner with the tip of the knife
2. Insert a popsicle stick in eat cut
3. Dissect the watermelon
4. Following the popsicle sticks, cut the watermelon slice to make…popsicles!
And as you must not throw anything away in the kitchen, you can make pieces of watermelon with both tips
This is the first tray composition: the watermelon ‘popsicles’ were placed as a side and then the rest of the fruits were placed concentrically obtaining a very colorful rose.
The second tray was prepared by placing the pineapple’s lock in the center and the watermelon on the sides. All the other pieces of fruit have been placed orderly by color.
Keep the trays in the fridge until the guests arrive and then place them the party’s buffet.
If you are planning a birthday part for your child, cut the fruit in adequate pieces for the little guests and complete the decoration with the Baby Hawaiian theme, perfect for children who celebrate their birthday in the summer.
Posted in: Recipes

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